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Dreamy Stables

Welcome to the virtual stable! This is where I keep track of My Little Pony toys that I might like to have someday.

Gen 1

Pony Pets
Unicorn Celebration Party
Balloon Ponies
McDonald's Happy Meal Ponies

What a weird-looking generation honestly! The balloon ones grew on me. I would have switched the colors on the McDonald's toys and given green to Fluttershy.

Gen 2

Pony Pets
Unicorn Celebration Party
Balloon Ponies
McDonald's Happy Meal Ponies

What a weird-looking generation honestly! The balloon ones grew on me. I would have switched the colors on the McDonald's toys and given green to Fluttershy.

Gen 3

Pony Pets
Unicorn Celebration Party
Balloon Ponies
McDonald's Happy Meal Ponies

What a weird-looking generation honestly! The balloon ones grew on me. I would have switched the colors on the McDonald's toys and given green to Fluttershy.

Gen 4

Pony Pets
Unicorn Celebration Party
Balloon Ponies
McDonald's Happy Meal Ponies

What a weird-looking generation honestly! The balloon ones grew on me. I would have switched the colors on the McDonald's toys and given green to Fluttershy.

Gen 4.5

Pony Pets
Unicorn Celebration Party
Blind Bag Balloon Ponies
McDonald's Happy Meal Ponies

What a weird-looking generation honestly! The balloon ones grew on me. I would have switched the colors on the McDonald's toys and given green to Fluttershy.

Gen 5

Pony Pets
Unicorn Celebration Party
Balloon Ponies
McDonald's Happy Meal Ponies

end of the line bitch

Images aren't mine, they're from Strawberry Reef